
于麻省理工获得建筑学硕士学位,曾就职于西班牙建筑师Antón García-Abril 的 Ensamble Studio 建筑事务所和墨西哥建筑师 Manuel Cervantes Cespedes 的 CC Arquitecto 事务所,负责多项国际项目。曾获得麻省理工学院CAMIT艺术奖金,装置艺术作品在MIT博物馆展出。曾任Mecooon艺术指导以及波士顿Wendy Jehlen 舞团艺术指导,作品在新伦敦艺术与科技双年会上展现。


于麻省理工获得建筑学硕士学位,现任中国美术学院建筑系讲师。曾任罗德岛设计学院访问学者,参与工作于荷兰OMA大都会建筑事务所,日本Ate-lier-Bowwow犬吠工作室和美国NADAAA设计事务所。在麻省理工期间获Floyd.A.Nar-amore学院全额奖学金及学院CAMIT 艺术奖金。其学术研究成果曾参与展览并主编出 版书籍。


于麻省理工获得建筑学硕士学位,现任麻省理工建筑系讲师。曾担任哈佛大学建筑设计学院、弗吉尼亚大学建筑学院等多个研究 生院评图讲师,并多年参与并组织麻省理工学院与东南大学的联合教学与学术研究。曾受聘于麻省理工学院前院长桑托斯个人事务所,Landworks以及哈佛大学教授Mack Scogin事务所。曾获麻 省理工学院CAMIT艺术奖,其个人作品及研究成果曾MIT博物馆以及北京双年展等多处展出。

Zhe Huang

Zhe received his education at MIT, USA and ZJU, China. He worked at internationally renowned Ensamble Studio in Spain and CC Arquitecto in Mexico, participating in several project. He received MIT CAMIT award and His art work and research has been exhibited at MIT museum. He also worked as art director for Mecooon, an performance art center in Shanghai and art director for Wendy Jehlen Dance Group and the work was shown on New London Art and Technology Biennale.

Li Huang

Li received his education at MIT, USA and SEU, China. He is currently a lecturer in architecture department at China Academy of Art and a visiting lecturer at Rhode Island School of Design, 2018. Before his own practice, he has several professional experience at OMA, Atelier Bow-Wow, NADAAA and other internationally renowned office. He received Floyd.A.Nar-amore Fellowship and CAMIT art award in MIT. His personal work and academic research has been published and exhibited at CAA Museum and The National Art Museum of China.

Yao Zhang

Yao received his education at MIT, USA and SEU, China. He serves as lecturer at MIT in Architecture department, and design critic at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, University of Virginia and other academic institutions. He organized several joint research programs among Southeast University and China Academy of Art. Prior to starting his own practice, he has work at Santos Prescott and Associates, Landworks and Mack Scogin Merrill Elam Architects. He received MIT CAMIT award and his work and research have been exhibited at MIT museum, Beijing biennale and many other locations.