Yue Ware Museum in Shanglin Lake
National Archaeological Park
Cixi, China_慈溪, 中国
Yue Ware Museum is located on the south bank of Shanglin lake, as the major exhibition space and research facility in this national Archaelogical Park. The form follows the topography of existing site, built a metaphorical connection with those dragon kilns, a traditional Chinese form of kiln used for thousands of years around this region. The geometrical slope roof is articulated to respond local architecture typology. A continuous public space is created above a series of exhibition space and beneath the covering, open to the surrounding nature. The roof produced an elevational effect inside to direct views from those geometrical sequence associated with top and bottom.
越窑博物馆位于慈溪上林湖南岸,是此处国家考古遗址公园的主要展示建筑及科研附属设施。建筑空间随地势而造,与上林湖沿岸遗存的龙窑形态形成对话, 折面屋顶呼应传统建筑的风貌,一系列连续的展示空间与呈上升态势屋顶形成向四周自然场所开放的公共活动空间,使观者在不断攀升的流线中保持与周边环境的对望。屋面亦在空间内部产生了立面般压迫的效果,将人的视线通过屋面与地面转折的几何关系导向不同的空间节点。
Collaboration: ZGDRI